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LINK FOR PayrollOrg BOOKSHELF: https://bookshelf.payroll.org/
Q. Is the website for the PayrollOrg Bookshelf on the PayrollOrg website?
Yes. You can find a link for the PayrollOrg Bookshelf on the PayrollOrg homepage at the top. Links to the PayrollOrg
Bookshelf are also in the Directory by Category, Alphabetical Directory, and under both the “Compliance” and “News &
Resources” tabs under the heading Books &Products. The direct link for the PayrollOrg Bookshelf is https://bookshelf.
payroll.org, which you can bookmark or add to your favorite sites using your web browser.
Q. What products and publications are available on the PayrollOrg Bookshelf?
The PayrollOrg Bookshelf is the online platform for these publications and products:
Federal and State Payroll Compliance Resource
Federal Payroll Non-Tax Laws &Regulations
Federal Payroll Tax Laws &Regulations
Guide to Federal and State Garnishment Laws
Guide to Federal and State Wage &Hour Laws
Guide to Local Payroll Taxes
Guide to State Payroll Laws
Payroll Currently
Payroll Practice Fundamentals
Payroll Source Plus®
PayState Update
The Payroll Source®
The Payroll Source® study guide version (current and prior year)
Q. What is the difference between Payroll Source Plus® and The Payroll Source® Online?
Payroll Source Plus® is PayrollOrg’s online, subscription-based payroll reference library. It contains four publications
The Payroll Source®, Federal Payroll Tax Laws &Regulations, Federal Payroll Non-Tax Laws &Regulations, Guide to State
Payroll Laws and a subscription to the electronic newsletter PayState Update. The Payroll Source® Online is an electronic
subscription-based version of The Payroll Source® only.
Q. What is the difference between the PayrollOrg Bookshelf and My Bookshelf?
The PayrollOrg Bookshelf is the online platform for all of the compliance publications available from PayrollOrg. My
Bookshelf is where the publications you have purchased and are subscribed to receive appear. The My Bookshelf view
requires a user to sign in, and each view will be customized to reflect the publications to which the user is subscribed.
Every PayrollOrg member has access to Payroll Currently as a member benefit so the member’s view of My Bookshelf will
reflect at least that publication all other publications and subscriptions are available for purchase.
Q. What do I receive on the PayrollOrg Bookshelf if I am a PayrollOrg member?
All PayrollOrg members receive Payroll Currently as a membership benefit. Payroll Currently is a monthly electronic
newsletter covering federal payroll compliance news and issues. Every issue of Payroll Currently includes “Inside
Washington” the latest news from the PayrollOrg’s Government Relations office on lobbying efforts and other actions
state and local highlights, and a topical index. All other publications and subscriptions on the PayrollOrg Bookshelf are
available for purchase.
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